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Let’s be real: networking events can be a mixed bag. Even when the ideas and the people are cool, the usual format can get a little stuffy: standing around with nametags, shuffling from foot to foot, being stuck in one place on a beautiful evening.

Portland summer comes but once a year, so Climate Curious is gonna mix things up and keep everyone moving at our July event. Besides, climate-y people are often also outdoors-y people.

Come with us on a hike and chat at Forest Park—on Thursday, July 20th. We’ll start gathering at 5:30 and begin hiking at 5:45pm. We’ve got a 2-3 mile route planned and a cute way of keeping things fresh: at a few pausing points along the way, we’ll prompt everyone to switch up who they’re talking to. The goal: get everyone to have 6-8 conversations with people they haven’t met yet. The best part? Your feet won’t fall asleep.

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