New Research on District Systems for Equity-Centered Development
May 30, 2024 @ 11:30 am - 1:30 pm
Join us on May 30 at the Meyer Memorial Trust and be the first to learn about Anyeley Hallová’s Net Zero Fellowship research on equity-centered district systems in real estate development. This event will be a collaboration between Energy Trust of Oregon and Anyeley’s company Adre.
Through the Williams & Russell Project, Adre explored opportunities for district energy, water and waste systems to bring resiliency as well as economic and environmental benefits to historically underinvested communities. Williams & Russell will provide housing, homeownership and a hub for Black businesses in the North Albina neighborhood. The research includes analysis of multiple strategies, including a microgrid, with lessons learned for other district-scale projects and buildings.
Adre led the research in partnership with PAE Engineering, Biohabitats and LEVER Architecture with funding from Energy Trust’s Net Zero Fellowship.
Anyeley’s in-person event has limited seating, so please reserve your attendance today. If you have a change in plans, please update your RSVP so we can open reservations to our waitlist.